Nothing beats a backyard putting green in Tampa. It’s the perfect place to practice your putting in the comfort of your own home, and it’s a great way to get your family together for some fun times.

But regular use can wear out the turf, resulting in an uneven surface. Rolling can fix this issue, but it can be a hassle to do it over and over again. That’s why artificial grass is becoming more and more popular as an alternative to real turf for putting greens. After all, it doesn’t require rolling to stay in great shape.

What Is Rolling?

Rolling is the process of using a motorized roller to flatten and smooth out the turf.

It’s the step after aeration, which opens up the soil to allow for water and fertilizer penetration. It precedes topdressing, which adds sand for better drainage. In short, rolling the turf helps ensure that it has the best conditions possible for growth.

Moreover, rolling lets you keep your grass at the perfect height for playing without sacrificing speed. It prevents soil heaving and mower scalping during freeze-thaw cycles. Rolling also reduces algae and dollar spot disease by promoting even distribution of water over the entire surface of your turf.

How Does Artificial Grass Remove the Need for Rolling?

Artificial grass is a long-lasting, low-maintenance alternative to natural turf—it’s one that doesn’t need mowing to stay in great shape.

Synthetic grass doesn’t need rolling because it retains its green speed no matter how much foot traffic it gets. It stays smooth even after weeks of constant use. This makes it perfect for backyard putting green owners who want to spend less time maintaining their turf and more time playing on it.

Rolling aids in sand topdressing, which is a quick fix for natural turf that’s starting to look a little thin. But since artificial grass has dense, long-lasting turf, you don’t have to worry about this.

Moreover, synthetic grass doesn’t grow, so it stays as short as the day of its installation. That means it doesn’t need regular mowing, which comes with the risk of soil heaving and turf scalping.

And finally, turf diseases can’t infect artificial grass. There’s no need to roll it to reduce the risk of dollar spot disease, brown patch disease and other turf conditions.

Drop Rolling From Your Putting Green Chores With Artificial Grass for Homes in Tampa

If you’re a backyard putting green owner who is tired of rolling your turf, we can help you out. Here at Tampa Artificial Grass Pros, we have the products, tools and expertise to help you make your backyard putting green the best it can be.

We have everything from artificial grass products to installation services and landscaping solutions. If you have any questions or want to learn more about why a synthetic putting green is a great investment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Send us a message online or call us at 813-999-0524!